Is there really a season you don’t need to save money in? Extra money in winter is needed for holidays, fall needs renovations, spring is when you start preparing for a summer vacation, and summer is when your children are home more, which means more money is going out. It seems there is always a need to save money. Fortunately, our team at Teems Electric is here to help you when it comes to saving money on energy this year! Read on →

Who doesn’t want to end up with more money in their pocket this spring? We all do! However, did you know that some extra money could be actually lurking in your home? Our team at Teems Electric wants to help you in saving more money this spring with these tips! As a new season approaches, it is time to start focusing on ways you can not only improve the energy efficiency inside your home but also put more money in your pocket. Read on →

March 20 marks the first day of spring. While you might be ready for the warmer temperatures, it is important to make sure your home or office is ready, too! Read on as our Teems team takes a look at some ways you can improve the energy efficiency inside your home or office. Schedule an HVAC Maintenance Check When was the last time you had your home or office’s air conditioner serviced? Read on →

Spring is in the air! Since the warmer temperatures will be upon us soon enough, it means we are finally able to take our fun outdoors. At Teems Electric, we want to help you set the stage this season by improving the lighting outside your home. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can incorporate different lighting aspects into your landscaping: String Them Up String lights are a great way to add lights outside while still remaining within your budget. Read on →

Are you tired of seeing your electric bill go up every single month? We don’t blame you! But what if you are the reason for the increase each month? Our team at Teems Electric wants you to be aware of the “energy vampires” that might be lurking in your home and causing your electric bill to rise month after month. Where Can You Find Energy Vampires? The U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory states that an appliance constantly takes up to one watt of electrical current, which equals out to 9kWh each year. Read on →

Did you know that according to the U.S. Department of Energy, most American families spend around $2,200 each year on their energy bill, a large portion of which is attributed to heating and cooling the home? In the winter, the average home spends around $100 more in energy, which can definitely cause a blow to any person’s budget. While our team at Teems Electric doesn’t want to leave you out in the cold this winter season, we also don’t want to see you paying an arm and a leg. Read on →

When the weather outside is frightful, you want to make sure your home is delightful, which means making sure your heating unit is working to its full potential. The best way to keep your heating unit working strong all winter long is to take steps to maintain it throughout the year. Our team at Teems Electric wants to offer you some tips on how you can add years to the life of your heating unit. Read on →

Whether it has been a while since your home’s electrical panel has been upgraded or signs of trouble have caused you to think the time has come to upgrade the electrical panel in your home, the team at Teems Electric is here to lend you a helping hand. Did you notice over the holidays that you did not have as many electrical outlets as needed? Do you find your breaker going out more often than not? Read on →

By now, you’ve probably written down your goals for the new year when it comes to your business. Is one of the goals to save money? If so, our team at Teems Electric has an idea on one way you can help your business start saving more money in 2019—and it starts with energy efficiency. Reach Your Energy Goals While Saving Money Who doesn’t want to save more money month after month? Read on →

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…to start getting in the habit of saving energy—and money. That’s why our team at Teems Electric wants to share some tips on how you can lower your energy costs this winter: First, you want to make sure you are checking the temperature on your hot water heater. Many units suggest setting the temperature at 120 or 140 degrees, but your unit’s manual should include the optimal temperature for your specific model. Read on →