On most days, you likely do not have to think about your HVAC system at all. You are probably able to set your temperature and forget it, but it is important that you do still engage in regular maintenance to keep your system running smoothly. While there are not too many things you will have to do regularly, one of the most important is changing your air filter regularly. Read on →

We are so excited about the nicer weather and ample sunshine we have been getting lately, but we know exactly what it means: A hot summer is on the horizon. Summer is a season filled with tons of fun, but residents of the Tennessee Valley know that it is also when things get hot for months on end. From June through October, it is pretty much a given that your HVAC system will need to be working overtime to keep your home comfortable. Read on →

If you’re familiar with residential power and working on your first project in the commercial side or even if you’re just shopping for some commercial equipment, maybe for your garage or kitchen, you may be surprised to learn there’s more than one type of power supply. Most people never give electricity a second thought, content to rely on electricians such as the professionals at Teems handle their projects and trusting the lines to keep everything juiced. Read on →

With the season of spring storms in northeast Georgia and southeast Tennessee upon us, it’s also one of the busiest times of year in this area for power outages. Downed power lines and transformer surges don’t just create inconvenient circumstances, they can also lead to some dangerous situations. That’s why it’s important you know what you should and shouldn’t do when the power goes out. Hopefully you’ll never have to deal with an extended outage, but even a couple hours without electricity can cause real issues. Read on →

Whether it’s to lessen our dependence on foreign sources of fossil fuels or to reduce the impact our energy production has on the earth, there are plenty of good reasons we as a country look for other power sources. That includes developing new ways of generating power or ways to expand what we get from existing technologies, which may mean making production more effective or installing new generators. As part of that, the United States has embraced dozens of alternative energy sources, from the large-scale to the small, the well-known to the obscure. Read on →

Industrial and manufacturing operations in the United States are a huge consumer of energy, with 32% of total energy consumption credited to them. That demand can mean huge utility bills for individual facilities that must run not just the systems that pull power in other commercial buildings, such as lighting and HVAC, but also heavy equipment. For many businesses, that can make energy costs one of their largest budget line items. Read on →

At Teems, as you might guess, we have a lot of people who are really fascinated by electricity and we love sharing the wonders of that captured lightning with others. We especially love when we can introduce members of the next generations of electricians and engineers to this field we’ve dedicated our lives to. While we may not be able to help every kid get charged up about electricity, we also encourage families to explore and experiment together in safe ways. Read on →

Even in a normal year, we spend a lot of the winter months indoors, and that’s been turned to the maximum this year with social distancing. While you’re there, why not use some of your time to do a little winter home maintenance that can help improve efficiency? There are plenty of projects you can take on toward this goal, with the number limited essentially only by your skill level. Read on →

Boilers have been part of commercial operations for as long as people have understood the power of steam and were a major part of the industrial revolution. They pushed trains up mountains and drove the first John Deere tractor. But they didn’t stay in the past. Boilers, which heat water to create steam or usable hot water, remain a major part of several industries, from manufacturing to foodservice. If you’re curious why we offer boiler rental and boiler sales, read on to find out about some of the jobs steam still does. Read on →

The turn of a calendar page naturally makes people think about new beginnings and new directions for their lives. If charting a new course for 2021 for you means thinking about ways you can be more energy-efficient, we have some great tips that can help you along the way. Whether your goal is about reducing utility bills or lessening your impact on the earth, whether you’re targeting a reduction at home or in a commercial setting, we support your effort. Read on →