Daylight saving time is something that the majority of the United States recognizes, but have you ever stopped to consider what exactly It is? While longer summer days certainly feel like a treat, that is not the only reason why daylight saving time is still around. If you have ever wondered about this interesting, clock-changing, sometimes confusing phenomenon, you are in the right place! Below, we have some fun facts about daylight saving time that you can share with friends and family ahead of this upcoming clock change. Read on →

If you have bought light bulbs lately, you have likely been inundated with more info than you would ever want about watts, lumens and tone of light a bulb produces—and all that is on the box! Deciphering what type of light bulb you need for a particular fixture can seem rather complicated if you are not sure what these terms mean. Determining watts, lumens and light efficacy is an important part of picking out the appropriate lighting for a room, but if you are not sure where to begin, we can help. Read on →

We know that it still feels like summer is here due to the persistent heat, but rest assured, winter will be knocking on our door as soon as we know it! While we certainly do not experience winters as severe as other parts of the country, our cold season is still nothing to disregard. When the nights get longer and the temperatures get lower, your heating unit will have to work hard to keep things cozy in your home—plus, you are likely to see a higher electricity bill due to more light usage in the evenings, too! Read on →

For every household, the cost of electricity is an inevitable expense that must be paid each month—however, did you know you might be paying too much? It is estimated that the average United States household could save up to 25% on their monthly electricity bills by simply being conscious of wasted energy around the home. Wasted energy is about more than simply leaving the lights on when you are not using a room (though that can cost you, too). Read on →

Cooking is a great alternative to eating out if you are trying to save money, but cooking in the summer can be a tough thing to enjoy! Not only does using your stove and oven make things uncomfortably warm, but it also requires quite a bit of electricity—both to power the cooking appliances and to power your AC system, which has to work harder to keep things cool. This is one of the many reasons why grilling is a great summertime activity. Read on →

Lighting plays a big role in our day-to-day lives, and choosing the right type of lighting can completely transform the way a room feels. However, when faced with the light bulb selection at the hardware store, it can be extremely overwhelming! Between varying sizes, wattages, color profiles and energy efficiency rating, there is a lot that goes into the decision of choosing lighting for your home. While you may know that LED bulbs are the most efficient option for your home by far, even if you narrow it down to only LED bulbs, there are still plenty of options to choose from. Read on →

When you look at your monthly spending, your electric bill is probably far from the highest expense you have to pay. However, it is likely the most consistent from year to year—and that is where savings can really begin to add up. By consistently saving on your electric bill each month, you can end up with far more money at your disposal at the end of the year! Fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways you can begin saving money on electricity. Read on →

Your home’s HVAC system (also known as the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system) works to keep you comfortable throughout the entire year—and during the coldest parts of winter and the hottest parts of summer, it works extremely hard. Your HVAC system is responsible for a lot of energy usage and can be costly to fix if it breaks, but through regular maintenance, you can reduce the likelihood of this happening. Read on →

You have likely seen clotheslines in old movies or on your grandparents’ property, but if you think they are an outdated practice, think again! Many younger people are re-embracing the clothesline, and for good reason—it saves money, leaves your clothes smelling fresh and is a great way to get outside during the day! Plus, it can even make your clothes last longer since the dryer can be so hard on fabrics. Read on →

If you have been considering making the upgrade to a programmable thermostat, you are likely wondering if they are really worth it. The average household in the United States spends about 12% of its household costs on air conditioning alone, which does not even include the amount spent on heat during the winter. However, as with anything, a programmable thermostat can only save money when it is being used correctly. Read on →