Your oven and stove is likely one of your most used appliances in your home. Doing everything from sautéing veggies to baking cookies, a basic range offers a lot of utility—and with new features like air frying and convection becoming more and more commonplace, newer models can do far more than the basics of cooking. In addition to getting more features, newer ranges tend to be more energy-efficient as well. Read on →

Maintaining your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is an important part of homeownership. In most seasons, heating or cooling is vital to your house remaining comfortable inside—which is why many people choose to have their annual HVAC service call in the spring, before the heat of summer kicks in! While getting your HVAC system serviced without anything being wrong may seem counterintuitive, it is actually the best way to ensure that your system provides you with fantastic service for many years to come. Read on →

It seems like Edison light bulbs are all over the place these days—from trendy restaurants to upscale stores, these vintage-inspired lightbulbs create a warm glow that certainly stands out from standard fluorescents or white lighting. However, while stylish, these bulbs have gained a reputation as being less than energy-efficient. While it is true that these light bulbs were once rather costly fixtures, that is not always the case today. Read on →

Did you know that small businesses in the United States spend more than $60 billion each year on energy? Even for the careful, budgeting business owner, energy-saving measures are often overlooked as a cost-effective strategy. Many business owners assume that any energy-saving measures would cost money to be implemented, and this, on top of the planning they require, can be a detractor for taking any action at all. Fortunately, we are here to tell you that saving energy does not have to be a major investment on the part of your business. Read on →

Turning your lights off when you leave the room sounds like a simple enough trick for saving money, right? However, what started out as simple advice has certainly become a hot button topic. You may have heard that it is a myth that this is a savings strategy, or that turning lights on and off can actually cost you more in the long run—so how do you know what to believe? Read on →

We all know that proper warehousing is so important to fulfillment and merchandising, but did you know that it can also be an important component for your business’ saving strategy, too? Warehouses are one of the biggest overheads for businesses that carry inventory—in fact, it is estimated that warehousing costs can account for up to 10% of a company’s revenue The cost of illuminating, heating and cooling a warehouse can quickly grow astronomical, but by making your facility more energy-efficient, you can quickly find creative ways to save. Read on →

Deciding what temperature to wash your clothes on may feel like an art, but it is actually a science. While laundry is quite the chore, it is also quite a high electricity use chore in your household. Between operating the washing machine and the dryer, as well as heating up water if necessary, there is a lot of power used with each wash load—but knowing what temperature to use for certain situations can help you save. Read on →

Deciding what temperature to keep your refrigerator and your freezer set to is about more than simply personal preference. Keeping food refrigerated and frozen at the optimal temperature has a whole host of benefits, including lasting longer in storage and reducing the opportunity for the bacteria that causes some food-borne illnesses to thrive, too. Below, we will be looking at how to store your food safely in your refrigerator and freezer to save you money on your electricity all while keeping your food safe to eat for a long period of time. Read on →

As the weather turns cooler and we approach the apex of winter, it is important to make sure that your home is a comfortable, warm place for you to be. While we do not have winters here that get as cold as other places in the country, it can still get quite chilly for us and it is important to be prepared. Space heaters are a common solution to the problem, but do they actually save money? Read on →

If you have ever experienced severe weather that knocks your power out—as most of us in the area have—you can likely recall how inconvenient that was to your daily life. While in most cases, the power will only go out for a few minutes or a few hours, prolonged power outages can and do happen, especially after extremely severe storms that have high winds. For this reason, more people are considering purchasing a generator for their homes, but anyone who has researched this will know how overwhelming it is! Read on →