Do you know the definition of the word efficient? It is such a common word and so often tacked on to so many phrases because it literally means achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. Life goals, right? It is probably safe to assume that these days we are all looking for ways to be the most cost-efficient, time-efficient and energy-efficient we can possibly be in both our personal and our work lives. Read on →

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love being outside and those who appreciate the outdoors from the comfort of air conditioning. But even if you are in the latter camp, there are ways to create a cozy atmosphere outdoors. Picture it now—twinkling lights, comfy chairs, a lovely breeze from a fan and the zap of bugs that will not be entering your space. You can create the outdoor space of your dreams with all the accessories that are available these days, but you should take precautions with how you run your electricity when you do. Read on →

Buying a home is a daunting task in itself, but even once all the papers are signed and your furniture is moved in, home ownership can bring with it a myriad of new tasks one easily can become overwhelmed with. Whether you have recently purchased a home or lived in one for lots of years, it is essential to ensure your home wiring is up to code and up to the standards you need to run your life. Read on →

Fifty years ago, we were a couple of guys in a garage who wanted to provide fair and reasonable electrical services for our community. Today, our business is privileged to house multiple divisions and service a little bit of everything, from industrial boilers to your kitchen lights. As we reflect on the growth and changes our company has seen, we are, of course, flooded with endless memories. We are also astounded by the ways in which the energy field has changed. Read on →

Power outages are never fun, but in the midst of a hot summer, they can truly be miserable. Not only does the temperature in your house begin to climb, but food in your fridge and freezer will spoil and communication devices with batteries will run out. You may not be able to cook without electricity, and entertainment options will be limited. When the power in your home stays out for an extended amount of time, it can create a dangerous situation and even force you to find another place to stay. Read on →

So much of our lives count on electricity, and when the power goes out for whatever reason, it can put such a dent in your day (or keep you awake at night if you are in the needs-noise-to-sleep crowd). With electricity being so essential, we have to ask ourselves if we are really using it safely. “That huge pile of wires behind the TV is OK, right? I can add another extender to the bathroom outlet can’t I? Read on →

When we think about the interior design for our home, we may focus on flooring and furniture, but wood floors and a red couch can end up looking all wrong without the right lighting. Your home is your sanctuary, and each room should feel calming and comfortable—two tones that can be set by your light choices. In today’s world, it is not only essential to make our homes so multifunctional that we can rest, play and work all in the same place, but it is also necessary to ensure our home and everything in it is saving as much energy as possible. Read on →

There is a dark and sinister force out there waiting to suck your…electricity. If your childhood fears have kicked in, don’t worry. Vampires aren’t actually real, but vampire energy is and it could be adding a good bit (or shall we say bite?) to your electrical bill. Vampire energy, or standby power, is electricity drawn by devices when they are not in use. In today’s world where just about everything needs to plug in to charge, these appliances and other tools can really be adding to your total electric load. Read on →

While many people associate high electric bills with bitterly cold winters, here in the Southeast, we typically have extremely hot summers to worry about. With the heat and humidity that are common in our region from May to October, you may feel like your HVAC system never stops running to keep your home cool. While we certainly can’t change the weather, there are some ways we can reduce our electricity bills, even when it is sweltering! Read on →

As spring approaches and the average daily temperatures start to rise, your HVAC system is about to become an integral part of your daily life once more. Because we get our fair share of humid, sweltering days here, it may seem like there is nothing you can do to save on your electricity bill in the summer months—but we’re here to tell you that is not the case! A home’s heating and cooling costs accounts for about half of its total energy usage, and while hot weather will always make your total energy expenditure rise, we have some helpful tips so you can save and still stay comfortable in the heat. Read on →