Now that the holidays have passed, you may find yourself hoping to never spend time in the kitchen again, or at least taking an extended break from it. Grab some frozen meals and quick prep items and use this time to give your kitchen some energy-efficient upgrades. The kitchen is one of the highest energy draws in your home, and making a few simple changes to appliances and lighting can really make a difference in your electric bill. Read on →

Your heating and air unit is one of those things that exists in the background of your life…that is, until it stops working. Then it is likely all you can think about as your house reaches temperatures that are less than comfortable. Making the right choice of an effective and efficient HVAC is crucial when you are either installing or replacing a unit. Once installed or updated, with regular maintenance, you can keep the HVAC running smoothly year-round. Read on →

There is nothing worse than opening a bill. It doesn’t really matter if the bill is expected, unexpected, high or low. Checking the mail only to discover a stack of “payment due” notices is enough to make anyone frown. Saving money is a priority for most of us these days, whether it is clipping coupons (or adding them digitally to various club cards), store-hopping to pick up items at the best price or putting off a purchase until it is on sale, we all want to cut costs every way possible. Read on →

If you have googled “how do I lower my electric bill” recently, maybe it is time to invest in some programmable solutions for your house. In the smart era we are living through, you can program just about anything. Setting your lights to turn off and on is certainly convenient for a busy lifestyle, but it can also create a more secure home. You don’t have to completely digitize either if you aren’t keen on a wi-fi run house. Read on →

Winter may creep in slowly here in the south, but it brings with it heating bills and higher risks of fire as we find ways to warm our spaces. The good news is that by heeding electrical warnings and putting some energy-saving tips to work, you can weather the season safely and keep your bills low, all while keeping your space as warm as you like. Warm Up Safely House fires increase pretty drastically in the cold months, as do burn injuries and electrocutions. Read on →

For many of us, the first cool fall breeze has us headed to storage to get out the fake pumpkins and orange and brown decorations. Sure, we will still see our share of 80-degree days, but we will see them with a Pumpkin Spice-flavored something in our hands. This is such a fun time of year as we head into all things holidays. But with the lights, figurines and blow-ups that look like a pile of trash bags during the day, this time of year also comes with an increased risk of electrical hazards. Read on →

Most Americans spend close to one-third of their lives at work, and now that the weather is getting colder and the sun seems to visit us less, more and more time is spent indoors in general. That means making the most of your lighting can make a real difference in your mood and productivity, not to mention your electric bill. If your office comes with white walls and bright fluorescents, there are plenty of options for trading out and trading up to energy efficient choices. Read on →

Appliances are so ingrained in our day to day you likely don’t even realize how many are around you at any given moment. Microwaves, refrigerators, AC units and heaters sit in the background of our lives, and we often only think about them when they stop working. If you own a commercial building, there are even more units that keep your building and other tools up and running. Replacing any of these items, whether in a professional setting or in your home, can be a huge drain on your finances. Read on →

Is there anything better than feeling that crisp chill in the air and watching the leaves burst into beautiful colors? The change of any season is always a magical time, but after the constant heat of the summer, fall weather can be particularly inviting. The change of the seasons doesn’t just bring us more preferable weather, it also means our overworked HVACs can get a much-deserved break. Conserving energy is a sweet byproduct of both spring and fall, and we will take every tip we can get to make the most of it. Read on →

The dreaded power outage—it can happen at any time, even when there seems to be no apparent cause. In the summer, it means your home is going to get unbearably hot, and in the winter, it means it’s time to pile on the sweats. Power outages also come with electrical risks that you need to be aware of in order to protect yourself and your home. Fortunately, there are lots of ways you can prepare for even the most unannounced outages. Read on →