You’ve planned for it, scheduled it, dreamed about it and now it is here—your vacation. Is there anything better than running away from reality for a little while? Sleeping more, eating more and playing more while you ignore your daily stressors and give yourself the grace to take a deep breath is such a gift. Vacations are a great way to reset when life has become overwhelming, or just to provide a better outlook on your day-to-day world. Read on →

Is there anything better than a long summer day and night? Offer opportunities to do everything from playing in water or digging in the garden to chasing lightning bugs and sitting around the fire pit late in the evening, summer is certainly one of the most relaxing times of the year. Most of us in the South truly love the summer, even with the humidity and the bugs we have to contend with. Read on →

The skies turn dark and gray, the wind starts whipping around faster and stronger and that smell of moisture fills the air. A storm is coming. While sometimes our summers in the South bring a crazy downpour without warning, most of the time there are plenty of signs that signal oncoming storms. Between watching the skies and checking for alerts, when you take note of incoming weather, you have time to prepare your home and avoid any potential damages that storms might bring. Read on →

There are so many electronic items in our home that finding things that don’t involve some sort of energy generation might be more challenging than finding something that does. As electricity and electronics dominate so much of our lives, we know that finding the energy efficient versions of everything is crucial, as is saving as much energy as possible at home. But how do you really do that? There are labels, logos, ratings and an endless wealth of advice on what to buy and steps to take in order to conserve energy. Read on →

If you are thinking about making some changes to your home, or just doing some seasonal cleaning, consider some electrical upgrades. Electrical wiring is one of the leading causes of home fires, so making some updates can not only help your electrical bill—it can also protect your family. Of course, a renovation is the perfect time to make these updates, but there are also some easy changes you can consider doing that are minimally invasive but still very effective. Read on →

Owning or managing a commercial building can be a great challenge, especially financially. Simple regular maintenance can carry a large price tag, and a disaster could be completely overwhelming. If you are also operating a business, it can make carrying all the costs of keeping everything going challenging. The good news is that there are lots of steps you can take to cut costs and make your building more efficient. Read on →

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” should have been written about spring in the south. It starts early as flowers begin to peek out of the earth and the world starts turning green again while temperatures are beautiful and the bugs are still sleeping. Aside from the pesky amounts of pollen that come along with spring, it really is one of the best times of the year. While you stock up on allergy meds so you can step out and enjoy the lovely weather, consider ways that you can stock up on savings, too. Read on →

Spring weather is upon us, and for many of us here in the South that means…yard work. Annual plants have begun to bloom, grass is starting to grow and the shrub you never trimmed last year still, amazingly, needs a trim. It may not be your favorite chore, but yard work does mean you get to revisit the tools that have been stored for the winter. It likely also means untangling those extension cords you tossed in the shed when you took the Christmas decorations out of the yard. Read on →

If you start every year with grand goals of lowering your bills, switching out your lightbulbs can be an easy way to make long-term changes that will reflect in your monthly electric bills. There are endless options that allow you to create the perfect feel and help you avoid flipping a switch only to find your bulbs are blown. LEDs and other energy-efficient lights last longer and drain less energy. Read on →

Have you written out the family schedule for the month yet? If your schedule is full of work meetings, sports practices, piano lessons and dance classes, there is a good chance you leave home in the dark of the morning and don’t make it back until the sun has already set. Lighting the outside of your home has many purposes, including both curb appeal and security. When you maintain a crazy schedule, you likely need outdoor lighting simply to get into and out of the door on a regular basis. Read on →