Is there such a thing as too many decorations? When it comes to the holiday season, the answer is definitely no! Even if you consider yourself a minimalist when it comes to holiday decorations, any time you put something requiring electricity outside or inside, there are safety measures you should keep in mind. House fires always increase in number this time of year, and many of them are from decorations that are inappropriately used. Read on →

If you looked around right now, how many things could you count that are using electricity? There is no doubt that there is a constant flow of electricity in our homes, and we rely pretty heavily on electrical items. We use electricity so frequently that it can be easy to forget about the dangers that come along with it. Electrical fires account for nearly 34,000 house fires every year. Read on →

What is your favorite season? Spring and fall certainly have some of the best temperatures, but summer brings with it a sense of freedom, while winter brings the sweet warmth of the holidays. All of the seasons have something to be excited about, but they also bring specific threats and challenges you need to prepare for. You might already do a whole lot to prepare your home each season, but how do you prepare at the office? Read on →

There are not very many of us in the South who love the idea of cold weather. For many of us, one of the biggest draws for living in this area isn’t just the sweet tea and southern hospitality—it is the extended spring and summer seasons and mild winter. We may all enjoy the occasional snow shower, of course, but for many of us the cold months are just a time to stay under the blankets and bump the heat up a few degrees. Read on →

Can you imagine a world without electricity? Perhaps when a storm rolls through, you think about the possibility of the power going out for a short time, but what would you do if something happened that led to a loss of electricity long-term? While there are natural disasters that we can’t do anything about that could cause long-term power loss, we can still take steps to protect our homes from power surges. Read on →

A lower electric bill is something we all want, and there are probably things you do on a daily basis to help cut your energy use. While taking steps toward being more energy-efficient can go a long way toward lower monthly bills, you can also get an extra boost during the change of the season. Fall brings us a lot of wonderful things, especially here in the South where our summers can get so incredibly hot. Read on →

When you head into the office for the day, there is a good chance you have plenty on your mind. Your to-do list, emails to read and emails to send, that upcoming presentation to make… But does electrical safety ever make it on your mental list? It’s safe to say that worrying about electrical safety probably doesn’t make it on very many people’s lists, if anyone’s at all. But electrical fires are a leading cause of disasters—and more often than not—they are completely preventable. Read on →

There are only a few things in life that you will never run short of—and one of those things is laundry. The battle to keep clothes clean is one that we all fight daily. Whether you are a once-a-week marathon washer or “a load or two a day” kind of person, there is no way around spending time in your laundry room. Along with the cost of the soaps and stain removers and fabric softeners, washers and dryers also pull a lot of energy. Read on →

Operating a warehouse can get rather expensive. With the overhead cost of keeping things going and other day-to-day costs, things can really start to add up. Even just the costs of keeping the lights on and the temperature controlled can really take a toll. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make warehouses more energy-efficient in order to cut down on the costs of simply being open. Read on →

Lighting plays such a crucial role in our daily lives. You may go from dim lights while your eyes adjust to a new day to the overhead lights of an office or warehouse while you work and back to soft lighting as you finally settle in for the evening. Lighting also speaks to the mood of a room, and it can even be a major factor in daily productivity at work. Read on →