When you hear the name Teems Electric, odds are that you think of decades of prompt and reliable service from your local electric company. Although we take quite a bit of pride in our electrical services, did you know that Teems Electric is actually comprised of a lot much more? So, you may ask yourself, what exactly does Teems Electric have to offer? Well, the answer may surprise you. Teems Electric is actually divided up into many different subsections of the company, including steam, energy, and automation. Read on →

For years, you’ve probably read about the need to go green. Contrary to some previously held beliefs, energy efficiency isn’t a trend, and is most likely a movement that is here to stay. Whether you are interested in solar power, wind power, or are just wanting to cut down on your consumption of energy in general, the growing consensus is on your side. But what is it that makes energy efficiency so important? Read on →

With spring upon us, the sun is starting to shine brighter, the days are growing longer, and the temperatures are heating up by the day. All around America, homeowners are starting to crank the AC in hopes of staying cool while inside their homes. However, constantly running the air conditioning can get expensive very quickly. So, what should you do if you want to keep your home cool but are on a fairly strict budget? Read on →

Do you run a small business where it is vital to keep your product cold? Are you hoping to pass the next health inspector’s test with flying colors? Do you want to be able to present your customers with cold product without any delay? If so, a walk-in cooler may be for you. Walk-in coolers are an important and oftentimes large investment, and as such, should be properly maintained. Although these appliances are quite durable, there are still a few tips you can follow in order to make sure your walk-in cooler is constantly working at the peak efficiency. Read on →

It seems that spring has sprung even quicker than normal this year, and with the temperatures quickly rising, many of us will be turning on our AC units in the not-so-distant future. However, after months of laying dormant, your AC unit may benefit from a tune-up heading into the warm months of 2016. So how exactly do you whip your AC unit into shape? Are there any tips on how to improve your unit’s performance without greatly increasing your utility bill or racking up a fortune in tools from The Home Depot? Read on →

With temperatures still dropping into the 20s and 30s on some days this time of year, it is important to ensure that your heater is working. Although you should get regular, professional checkups performed on your HVAC unit, there are DIY ways to perform routine maintenance on your unit to ensure that it runs well through the remainder of the winter. So break out your flashlight, get your gloves on, and do your best impersonation of that HGTV host you always watch when your friends aren’t over (we won’t tell), because it’s time to work on your heating unit. Read on →

In the current age, everywhere you look you are encouraged to go green. Whether it be the media, your friends, or your conscience, the pressure to reduce your carbon footprint is imminent everywhere. If you’re a business owner, this perceived pressure only increases. We understand that going green can seem intimidating. Not only is it overwhelming, but it has, in the past, been a very expensive undertaking. However, what if we told you that going green can actually help your bottom line? Read on →

The winter is here, the cold has settled in, and all through the country people have their heat turned up as high as possible in an attempt to keep warm in their homes. Oftentimes, we take for granted our HVAC units that allow our homes to heat properly, assuming they will continue working indefinitely. Sadly, this is not the case. The optimal time to replace something is never after it has broken, but right before it actually breaks. Read on →

As the winter carries on, the low temperatures grow even lower daily, leaving many people to decide whether or not they are going to constantly run heat in their home. While this may absolve you of the cold, it also comes with the unfortunate side effect of running up the utility bill. However, what if there was a way to keep warm at a minimal cost to your wallet? Here are three ways to show creativity while staying warm this winter: Read on →

When you think of New Year’s resolutions, you don’t often think of anything besides exercise, weight loss, and professional goals. Most people think in short-term goals, rather than establishing a long-term lifestyle shift. Oftentimes these changes can be drastic, and as a result, end up being rather short-lived. It’s time to redefine New Year’s resolutions. Instead of setting short-term goals that are destined to fail, consider choosing one area of your life in which you can improve. Read on →