Safety begins at home, which is why Teems Electric wants you to know what to look for when cleaning out electrical hazards within your home this spring. Don’t Overlook Electrical Hazards Many think an outlet is the only place an electric shock can occur. However, there are other dangers lurking in your home that you may not be aware of. First, look at your floor. Are there extension cords anywhere? While you’re trying to light up your bedroom, you may also be inadvertently causing a tripping hazard, which could result in a serious injury. Read on →

Teems Electric is helping companies become more energy-efficient, and we practice what we preach by using compressed natural gas in our company vehicles. The Benefits of CNG Compressed natural gas, also known as “CNG,” is an alternative to gasoline in vehicles and is clear, non-corrosive and odorless. There are a wide variety of benefits when it comes to choosing CNG over any other type of fuel, including: Increased fuel efficiency Lower emissions Increased energy security Improved vehicle performance However, one of the biggest benefits of CNG is the fact it can be produced right here in the United States, which means companies can have the security of using natural gas within the country instead of going out to politically volatile countries—where more than 70 percent of the petroleum used in the United States comes from. Read on →

The weather can be crazy this time of year. Up and down. Cold and warm. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. But one thing you can count on, when you have one of our HVAC systems, it can handle the temperature change without a problem—keeping you cool or warm, whichever you need. Save AND Stay Warm One fear many homeowners have when the cold temps arrive is the rise in their monthly electric bill. Read on →

Owning a home is a responsibility but it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you might think. There are some energy saving tips that are super easy to do and will help you save money so you can enjoy it later. Some of these tips may cost a little at the onset but in the long run, will save you cash and that’s great news. -Invest in a thermostat that can be programmed for automatic turn off or turn on. Read on →

As kids, we all remember taking the balloon and rubbing it against our heads to make our hair stand on end. Static electricity was a great way to entertain each other but as adults in business, static electricity can wreak havoc on data and equipment and even more dangerous consequences including fire. There are easy ways you can avoid this disruption and loss of equipment. -Avoid placing materials such as plastic near electronics as these materials are commonly the cause of the electric discharge. Read on →

When you think about lighting, it’s more than a fluorescent strand in your office so your employees can see where they sit. The right lighting makes a huge impact on productivity, energy, and mood. Aesthetic appeal is also important but you need to be sure you have a lighting scheme that works for the needs of your business. You want a space that’s functional, pleasant, efficient and free from distraction. Read on →

It’s already cold outside but peeking out to see your meter spinning at lightning speed can make a cozy day in the house feel like an expensive tropical vacation. You can prepare your home for winter so that your energy bills won’t spike this season. Insulate your home by adding new or additional insulation to your ceilings, attics or walls along with using caulking or weather stripping. This tip will also help your cooling bills stay low during the summer. Read on →

When you walk into a living room and the lighting is just right, all you see is the beauty surrounding you. You feel the warmth of the room. If the lighting scheme is off or doesn’t quite gel, you feel the effects. Bad lighting can make you tired if it’s too dark or cause an instant headache if it’s too bright. Whether you’re building a new home or remodeling your current one, lighting is critical to any design. Read on →

Halloween is past, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and Americans everywhere are beginning to prepare for holiday decorations and holiday lights to take over their yards and family rooms once again. So with all the recent emphasis on LED lighting, does this LED recommendation extend to the holiday season? You better believe it! LED lights are still the right solution, no matter what time of year it is. Here are three reasons you should go LED for the holidays: Read on →

At Teems, we strive to offer our customers the very best in electrical services by empowering our expert team of industry-leading electricians to deliver thoughtful, excellent care to everyone they come across. However, did you know that Teems offers that same level of excellent service in more areas than simply electrical? Today, we’d like to continue our discussion of these additional services. Here are three ways in which Teems can help you and your business: Read on →