According to, more than 35.5 million people living in the United States move every year. If you’re making a move in the near future, we have one item to add to your to-do list—an electrical system inspection. When you’re moving into a new home, the last thing you want is to expose your family to electrical hazards. That’s why our team at Teems Electric recommends this vital inspection and wants to share some insight about potential hazards. Read on →

Who says colder temperatures need to turn up the heat on your energy bills? Not us! Our team at Teems Electric wants to help you start saving money by making your home more energy-efficient this winter. Read on for a look at a few ways you can do just that: Adjust the Thermostat First, you want to start by lowering the thermostat at least four degrees in order to save as much as 10 percent on your electric bill each month. Read on →

When setting up your office building, did you think about how the lighting could affect your workers? Believe it or not, bad lighting is actually a common complaint among office workers. Make sure it isn’t a complaint among your employees by allowing our team at Teems Electric to handle your company’s electrical needs! Let There Be Light! The type of lighting you choose for your office is extremely important. Therefore, it is important to consider your options: Read on →

Did you know that more than 350,000 home fires occur each year? And a large number of those fires could be prevented with some basic fire safety principles. Our team at Teems Electric wants to share some tips on ensuring your home is fire-safe: Check Your Outlets & Cords This step is very important. Take some time to walk through your home and look at all your electrical outlets and power cords. Read on →

Are you ready for the change of seasons? While you might be ready for those cooler temperatures, the team at Teems Electric wants to offer some advice on how to get your electrical equipment ready for fall, too. Electrical Safety Tips Let’s look at some ways you can practice electrical safety when transitioning from summer to fall: First, make sure you are safely storing warm weather tools like lawn mowers and trimmers. Read on →

It might still be warm outside right now, but soon, the winter weather will be rolling in. Our team at Teems Steam wants you to go ahead and prepare now for energy savings this winter by getting your home’s steam system ready sooner rather than later. Let’s Get to Cleaning! A steam boiler is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water. In fact, steam boilers were actually one of the first solutions for heating a home! Read on →

If you had the ability to save energy by changing out the lightbulbs in your home or office, wouldn’t you? Well, you can! Our Teems Electric team wants to share some of the benefits of LED lighting. Read on as we take a look! What to Know About LED Light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs are one of the most energy-efficient lightbulb technologies today. Not only do LED lightbulbs last longer, but the quality is also better and they are more durable than other types of lighting. Read on →

We know—it’s easy to get into the habit of leaving lights on and electronics plugged in when electricity is always there. But while we’re lucky to have our electrical needs met day in and day out, it’s still important to conserve energy where we can. That’s why our Teems Electric team has some tips to share to help you make your home or office more energy-efficient. Changes You Can Make to Be More Energy-efficient Let’s look at a few ways you can conserve energy in the home or work environment. Read on →

Teems Electric strives to be a one-stop shop for customers. One way we do this is by offering a number of services to be able to fulfill our customers’ needs. Fabrication is one service our professionals are able to provide through our Fabrication Division. When a customer utilizes our fabrication services, he or she can expect our professionals to work within the company’s budget and choose the best type of fabrication depending on what the company’s need is. Read on →

Can you believe it’s already July? This summer is flying by. But since summer is still going to linger for a while, it’s time to brush up on some summer safety! That’s why our team at Teems Electric wants to share some tips about staying safe around electrical hazards. Get Outside and Play! When was the last time you went outside and purposefully looked to see where all the electrical hazards were, such as telephone poles and electrical lines? Read on →