If you’ve lived in northeast Georgia or southeast Tennessee long, you know late July and August tend to bring some nasty pop-up afternoon thunderstorms. While there are plenty of myths about reducing the risks posed by lightning (for instance, lightning can strike long before there’s rain where you are), we want to provide some facts that can help you protect your home when storms come. Lightning rarely hits houses themselves. Read on →

From retailers in e-commerce to companies running large, automated systems, business these days frequently means expansive tech installations. That can mean complications for climate control HVAC engineers just a decade or two ago never imagined. Global tech giant Alphabet, parent company of Google, has spent years and countless labor hours on a still-ongoing effort to manage the heat created by its sprawling server farmers. That machinery creates latent heat that can reduce operational efficiency (reliability is reduced by half for every 18 degrees the ambient temperature goes above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Uptime Institute), making cooling the buildings that hold it a daunting task. Read on →

Anytime we help customers dealing with any of the specialized and technical equipment and systems they trust Teems Electric for, we want them to feel comfortable and like they understand exactly what we’re talking about. That often means explaining confusing terms that seem like old hat to us but are foreign concepts to those who don’t spend all day every day talking about building systems. One of those terms is color temperature, which most people first encounter in buying light fixtures or bulbs. Read on →

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, restaurants are among the most energy-intensive operations in the country, using five to 10 times more electricity per square foot than other commercial operations. From massive refrigerators to high-BTU ovens to hoods that run most of the day, commercial foodservice (CFS) equipment takes a lot of power. While some operations can cut demand by turning off or unplugging energy-drawing equipment when it’s not in use, that’s not an option for restaurants. Read on →

Are you ready to go green? Our team at Teems Electric wants you to know how you can play a part in protecting the environment, as well as possibly saving yourself money on your energy bill on a monthly basis! Go Green! Who doesn’t want to help the environment? Fortunately, small changes on a daily basis can help in big ways! Let’s take a look at how you can help to play a role in keeping the environment clean and safe, starting with: Read on →

As soon as you step outside on a spring day, what do you smell? Is someone grilling in the backyard? Do you smell the flowers blooming in the garden? No matter what you step outside to, you want to make sure it is a smell that is clean and pure! During Clean Air Month, our team at Teems Electric wants you to know what steps you can take in order to improve the air you breathe on a daily basis. Read on →

Not only is most everyone home right now, but many of us are also working from home. Therefore, to say our electricity is being used more now than ever is probably an understatement. While you need electricity in order to get everything done, you also do not want to receive an electric bill next month that blows away your entire budget. Our team at Teems Electric is here to help you find ways to lower your electric bill where possible: Read on →

An HVAC system is a huge investment. Therefore, when you make the decision to invest in a new HVAC system for your office, you want to make sure it is one that will last for years to come. Fortunately, if taken care of, a HVAC system can last around 15 to 25 years. Our team at Teems Electric wants you to know what steps you can take in order to keep your building’s HVAC system running smoothly this spring! Read on →

Chances are you don’t think about boilers until the topic comes up. However, our team at Teems Steam wants you to get all the information you can ahead of time in order to know the real purpose behind boilers and how they can make a difference in your home or business. Get the 411 on Boilers There are a number of questions that tend to come up when the topic of boilers arises. Read on →

Lighting has more of an effect on us than we might realize. For instance, your office lighting provides you and your employees so much more than just lighting to see. There are a number of benefits of good lighting, which is why our team at Teems Electric wants to help you understand the importance of good lighting not just for your customers but also for your employees. Let There Be Light Lighting affects people in various ways. Read on →