Winter Electrical Safety | Teems Electric
Winter may creep in slowly here in the south, but it brings with it heating bills and higher risks of fire as we find ways to warm our spaces. The good news is that by heeding electrical warnings and putting some energy-saving tips to work, you can weather the season safely and keep your bills low, all while keeping your space as warm as you like.
Warm Up Safely
House fires increase pretty drastically in the cold months, as do burn injuries and electrocutions.
While a vast majority of these risks come as a direct result of heating-related items like space heaters, overloaded outlets and overheated light fixtures are also a common source. Increased time in the kitchen (hello, holiday meals) creates another risk during the cold months.
To protect yourself and your home, avoid using more than one heat-generating electric item at a time. This means when it’s time to blow Sally Anne’s hair dry you should let the space heater take a break.
Space heaters should be plugged directly into a wall outlet and not into an extension cord. Wall outlets are designed to handle a high wattage, which lowers the risk of an overload.
Follow manufacturer guidelines on all your electrical devices, and if one of our occasional ice storms knocks the power out, use your generator safely. Make sure your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are functioning properly, and check the cord on that fuzzy electric blanket for frays before wrapping up like a burrito.
While each of these steps will help you survive a chilly winter safely and securely, they are also great to put into practice the rest of the year, too.
Lower Your Electric Bill
We are all well-accustomed to flipping between heat and air throughout the winter season here in the south, but even with swinging temps, you can take steps to lower your electric bills.
Use those warm, sunny days to your advantage by allowing light in so you can skip turning on the heat. Add extra blankets to beds in order to keep your thermostat set lower in the evenings.
Before the temperatures drop really low, check the seals on your windows and doors as well as the insulation in your attic space. You should also schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC or other heating systems at the start of the season to make sure it is operating well. Don’t forget about the filters, too: Replace them regularly to keep things running smooth and clean.
Whether you are a winter lover or hater, staying safe is crucial to getting through the cold season. When you are aware of the potential electrical hazards in your home, you can take actions to protect your loved ones and your property. So throw on those fuzzy socks and heat up the cocoa while you rest warm and comfortably all season long.
Need to schedule maintenance for your HVAC or install more outlets? Contact us to schedule an appointment today.