Why It Is Important to Have Your HVAC System Regularly Maintained | Teems Electric
Your home’s HVAC system (also known as the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system) works to keep you comfortable throughout the entire year—and during the coldest parts of winter and the hottest parts of summer, it works extremely hard.
Your HVAC system is responsible for a lot of energy usage and can be costly to fix if it breaks, but through regular maintenance, you can reduce the likelihood of this happening.
An annual HVAC service is a fairly low price to pay for a more efficient system, cleaner air and a reduced likelihood of a costly repair. Below, we will look at exactly how regular HVAC maintenance can save you money and help keep your system functioning properly.
Benefits of Getting HVAC Maintenance
Reducing the likelihood of costly issues. It is estimated that getting regular HVAC service can reduce the likelihood of a system failure by as much as 95%—which are pretty fantastic odds. By having a professional assess your system, they can alert you to any issues before they become major, expensive problems that may break your entire system.
Increasing the efficiency of your system. When an HVAC technician comes to maintain your system, they will add necessary fluids, lubricate necessary systems and clean any harmful debris that can hinder your system from working as efficiently as it should be. This will help your system do the same amount of work while using less energy, in turn saving you money on your bills every month.
Improving your indoor air quality. Pets, dust and pollen can be quite hard on an HVAC system, but because most of its components are hidden, it is difficult to realize what a toll these can take until it is too late. By having your HVAC serviced, you can quickly take care of any issues that these factors may present, making sure that your family is able to breathe clean air at home. If you have had any renovations in your home, construction in your area or have discovered mold, it is important to have your HVAC system serviced as soon as possible to take care of any potential issues.
If you need to book an HVAC service, we would be happy to come take a look! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your system.