Where to Add Handrails?
When we talk about business safety issues, we tend to think of big things. Things like cybersecurity, heavy machinery, and illness tend to be the cornerstones of workplace safety conversations, but handrails are an important, if low-key, part of the safety discussion.
Handrails can add safety, help with insurance underwriting, and allow you to decorate your office all at the same time. Handrails have a litany of functions, but where exactly should you put them in your office?
Here are three places you need to consider handrails:
1) Outside
If your office or business has an outside set of stairs or a porch, your office or business should also have handrails. Adding handrails makes your place of work more inviting while also adding to the safety of the building and protecting you legally.
2) Stairs
There are few things in life as certain as death and taxes, but one of those things is the need for handrails by stairs in your business. Adding handrails doesn’t only make you more safe, it makes the stairs look complete.
3) Uneven Floors
Even if you don’t have stairs, but you do have an area where the floor is uneven or may often become slippery, it may be time to consider adding handrails.
Want to learn more about safety solutions? Visit Teems Company today!