Tips for Cutting Utility Use This Fall | Teems Electric
Fall, sandwiched between the heat of summer and the chill of winter, may not be meteorologically notable, but you could make it a time of big happenings for your utility bills. Between those more-comfortable temperatures and the fact big-spending events such as family vacations and holidays fall outside the season, autumn provides some great opportunities to save.
Here are some of our favorites:
Stop watering your lawn when the rain returns. Whether because they forget to turn them off or don’t realize they actually can, many people leave automatic sprinklers running in the fall. In our area, fall tends to bring the return of those wide-ranging and long-lasting rain events that drench the whole region, so it’s the perfect time to stop watering the lawn.
Drain your water heater. This isn’t a specifically fall thing, but this is a great time to do this important work. Experts recommend draining a water heater once a year to eliminate sediment buildup inside the tank. That collection, which is common in our area with its moderately hard water, can reduce the unit’s efficiency, making it use more electricity to heat water.
Turn the HVAC off. If you can tolerate the resulting hot or cold temperatures inside your home, the temperate days of fall provide a great opportunity to turn off your HVAC for a little while. Even if you just use a programmable thermostat to reduce how often the HVAC runs while you’re out of the house, you can see significant savings from that.
Cook outside. Grilling is typically thought of as a summer-time activity, but the cooler temperatures of fall make it a more pleasant time for cooking out. Doing it can cut electric or gas usage, and eliminate latent heat cooking creates that can cause your HVAC to work harder.
Spend more time outside. Speaking of taking advantage of the nice weather by being outdoors, spending more time outside in the evenings can eliminate some utility usage. Whether you take family game night outside or read a book in a porch chair, taking advantage of the lingering evening light and cooler temperatures is a great idea!
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