Smart Ways to Save Money During Warmer Weather | Teems Electric
While many people associate high electric bills with bitterly cold winters, here in the Southeast, we typically have extremely hot summers to worry about. With the heat and humidity that are common in our region from May to October, you may feel like your HVAC system never stops running to keep your home cool.
While we certainly can’t change the weather, there are some ways we can reduce our electricity bills, even when it is sweltering! From helping your HVAC system run more efficiently to finding creative ways to offset its electricity usage, here are some of our favorite money saving tips for summertime.
Tips for Saving on Your Electricity Bill This Summer
Spend more time outside. We know, we know—summer is hot in these parts. However, time spent outside is time you are not spending indoors, using electricity. This means you can turn your thermostat up, shut the shades to keep direct sun out, turn off the lights in your home and go enjoy nature with loved ones.
Unplug devices you are not using. When a device is off but plugged in, it is still using some electricity—often called “phantom” or “standby” electricity. While this usage is not much, it is something, and it can add up if you have a lot of things plugged in. When you will not be using something for a while, make sure to unplug it to prevent this electrical waste.
Make use of your grill. Summertime is the perfect time to fire up the grill, and not just because it is barbecue season! Every time you use your grill instead of using your oven or stove, you are keeping the temperature in your kitchen cooler and thus preventing your air conditioning from having to work that much harder to keep the house at a reasonable temperature.
Use a clothesline. Clotheslines are not just for grandparents anymore! A clothesline is a fantastic way to take advantage of the heat of nature, instead of relying on the heat from your dryer, and it can also reduce wear and tear on your clothes so they last longer. Plus, you can’t beat that “fresh off the clothesline” smell!
If you need help finding ways to save on electricity this summer, let us be a resource for you! Contact us today to learn more about our residential electrical services.