Seek the Best Light for Your Office | Teems Electric

When setting up your office building, did you think about how the lighting could affect your workers? Believe it or not, bad lighting is actually a common complaint among office workers.

Make sure it isn’t a complaint among your employees by allowing our team at Teems Electric to handle your company’s electrical needs!

Let There Be Light!

The type of lighting you choose for your office is extremely important. Therefore, it is important to consider your options:

Natural Light

Natural light has been shown to not only increase a worker’s satisfaction of his or her job, it can also improve productivity. In fact, natural light can produce more positive moods among workers, especially since the light source is the sun and providing much-needed vitamin D.

If you’re building an office from scratch or shopping around for one, be sure to incorporate plenty of large windows to allow natural light in. If you’re already in an existing office, you may need to move things around to put working spaces near the open windows.

Overhead Lighting

While overhead lighting can cast a shadow over workers, it’s sometimes a necessity. Mix overhead lighting in with other types of lights, like desk lamps, to help limit the negative effects of harsh overhead lights.

Ambient Lighting

Do your employees tend to be stressed from time to time? With the help of ambient lighting, your employees can feel more at peace with a low-intensity light.

While some stress is inevitable, incorporating ambient lighting can help provide a sense of calm in the midst of chaos for employees.

Corrective Lighting

Does the nature of your business mean that your employees work in front of a computer for hours upon hours?

Eye strain is extremely common among workers who spend many hours in front of a computer screen.

However, corrective lighting implemented behind a computer can help to reduce the glare coming from the computer screen, which can then limit eye strain among employees.

Are you ready to improve the lighting within your home or office? Give Teems Electric a call today!