Safely Use Electricity in Your Outdoor Spaces | Teems Electric
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love being outside and those who appreciate the outdoors from the comfort of air conditioning. But even if you are in the latter camp, there are ways to create a cozy atmosphere outdoors.
Picture it now—twinkling lights, comfy chairs, a lovely breeze from a fan and the zap of bugs that will not be entering your space. You can create the outdoor space of your dreams with all the accessories that are available these days, but you should take precautions with how you run your electricity when you do.
And keep in mind that permanent electrical work should never be a DIY job. Always contact a professional.
Powering Up Outside
If you are the outdoor-loving type and headed to spend a good deal of time outside, consider portable power sources. Generators can be a great choice for powering a variety of items, but you will need to consider your space and amount of electricity you need to produce.
Generators also come with a lot of risks and should never be used in an enclosed space. Make sure you do your research before heading out and always follow manufacturer instructions when you run your generator.
If you are staying close to home and plan to run extension cords, make sure they are labeled for outdoor use. Never overload an extension cord, and opt to keep things turned off if the weather is wet.
You should also ensure that your outside outlets are GCFI-protected. These outlets, like extension cords made for outdoor use, are made to withstand all kinds of weather.
Once you have your power source ready for use, check the cords on the items you plan to plug in and the extension cords you may be plugging them into. Make sure there are no frays or open wires showing.
And when you have had enough of the outdoors, store your cords in an interior space so they are ready for the next adventure.
Choose Safe Outdoor Lighting
Once you are ready to power up, you can start hanging all those twinkly bulbs and creating the beautiful atmosphere you desire. Outdoor lighting choices are vast, but they may not all be the safest choice for your space.
You need to consider your location, your weather and the brightness you hope to achieve.
If you are installing a lighting fixture, it should be rated for outdoor use. Even a light hung under an overhang or a porch that never gets damp should still be rated for moisture, heat and cold. Look for words like weather-proof or weather-rated to ensure you are making an appropriate choice, and only use bulbs that are also rated for outdoor use.
If you are hanging strings of decorative lights, they should also be rated for outdoor use. Most string lights will be listed as indoor/outdoor if they are appropriate for outdoor use. And even though string lights are built to be added on to, make sure you don’t overload an outlet or extension cord with too much wattage.
When you choose the location of your outdoor sanctuary make sure you are not near flammable substances. Some lighting choices generate heat that overtime could burn wood or dry grasses, so if part of your design choices is in the barnyard chic category, make sure any hay is kept away from heat generating lighting or power sources.
If creating your outdoor dream oasis has moved you from the “enjoys looking out the window” to “wants to be outside all the time” category, consider contacting the pros about a permanent installation to enjoy your new love all year long.
Ready to give your outdoor loving-heart a new place to relax? Contact us today to get started.