Quick Tips to Help You Save on Your Electric Bill Each Month | Teems Electric
When you look at your monthly spending, your electric bill is probably far from the highest expense you have to pay. However, it is likely the most consistent from year to year—and that is where savings can really begin to add up. By consistently saving on your electric bill each month, you can end up with far more money at your disposal at the end of the year!
Fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways you can begin saving money on electricity. Small habits can really add up, and by implementing a few changes, you can significantly alter your monthly expenses on power.
Quick, Smart Tips for Big Electricity Savings
Use your ceiling fans. If you have ceiling fans, using them to their full potential can be a great way to save. The U.S. Natural Resource Defense Council reports that using a ceiling fan can cool a room by 10 degrees while using 10% of the energy of an air conditioning unit—make sure your fan is rotating correctly for maximum effectiveness.
Check the window and door seals through your house. When you are paying to heat and cool your home, letting air seep out is the equivalent of having money fly out the window. Checking the seals around every door and window can ensure that the temperature-controlled air you are paying for stays in your home as it should.
Switch out your light bulbs. Switching to LED light bulbs that carry the Energy Star label can save the average household nearly $100 every single year. That is a big payoff for next to no work!
Keep your oven door closed. Opening your oven door while roasting or baking does not only cause inconsistent cooking—it can also use a significant amount of energy. Opening the door reduces the temperature each time, causing your oven to compensate by using more energy to reach the programmed temperature.
Air-dry your clothes. By air-drying your clothes, you are eliminating the need for using a dryer and thus cutting your energy usage tremendously. A clothesline and clothespins cost a fraction of the amount that running your dryer regularly does—and you can save on dryer sheets this way, too!
If you need more information on how to save on electricity, we are here to help! Contact us today for more information on all the services we offer.