Making Your Small Business More Energy Efficient
“With great power comes great electric bills.” Although these may not be the famous words from Uncle Ben, they carry a great deal of wisdom in them for small business owners. One of the greatest expenses for businesses annually is overhead costs, including money paid to maintain energy sources.
It’s time for small business owners to take a second look at how they treat energy consumption. It’s easy for energy consumption to go unnoticed amongst inventory, payroll, and other operations costs, but the road to fiscal responsibility (and a greener business) starts here.
Some practical ways to lower energy consumption include:
1) Turn off the lights: This may be a simple solution, but you would be surprised at how often the lights are left on around the office. Mastered this step? Consider removing unnecessary fixtures, upgrading to energy-efficient lightbulbs, or installing timers on your lights.
2) Bring your equipment up to date: Go with energy saver equipment where possible, make sure your motor systems are operating at the correct level, and call Teems Electric to ensure HVAC and other systems are up-to-date and functioning correctly.
3) Think outside the box: Blocking direct sunlight, plugging all leaks, and keeping exterior doors closed are all ways to improve on your business’ energy efficiency.
Are you ready to graduate to a higher level of energy responsibility? Head on over to for all your contracting needs.