Let's Celebrate Clean Air Month This May | Teems Electric
As soon as you step outside on a spring day, what do you smell? Is someone grilling in the backyard? Do you smell the flowers blooming in the garden? No matter what you step outside to, you want to make sure it is a smell that is clean and pure!
During Clean Air Month, our team at Teems Electric wants you to know what steps you can take in order to improve the air you breathe on a daily basis. Read on as we offer some insight.
Only Clean Air Allowed
There are always things that are going to be out of our control, which is why it is so important that we are making an impact when it comes to things we can control. When it comes to the air we breathe, there are many things we can do in order to help be the solution and not the problem.
The Environmental Protection Division in Georgia is doing its part to help monitor and protect the air quality in our wonderful state. However, there are some things we, as citizens of Georgia, can do to lend a helping hand.
For starters, when we are allowed to resume daily activities away from home, we can try to walk or bike ride to our destinations. Or if we do need to use a car, try carpooling with others so that you are lowering the emissions being released into the air.
Also, you want to make sure you are continuing to check your tire pressure, as this can determine how hard your car works, which also plays a part in how many chemicals are released into the air.
Second, when doing yard work and/or cleanup, you want to try to avoid backyard burning at all costs. Also, try using hand-powered garden tools rather than those that require gas to work.
Finally, also consider your indoor air quality. When heading inside your home, indoor plants, clean air filters, ceiling fans and window treatments are great tools to help improve the air quality inside your home.
We are here to help you improve the air inside your home! Give Teems HVAC a call today, as we can help you get a new HVAC system running smoothly this season.