Keep It Cool This May—and Find Energy Savings! | Teems Electric
Are you looking for ways to save on energy this May?
The team at Teems Electric is here to help you improve the energy efficiency of your home so that you can enjoy a smaller energy bill this season, even as the temperatures heat up.
How to Become More Energy-Efficient
Let’s take a look at some ways you can become more energy-efficient this spring.
First, you want to make sure you are servicing your HVAC unit regularly. To make sure that your unit is in optimal shape to handle the shift between cold and hot weather, maintenance checks are recommended when the seasons change.
Second, now that the weather is warmer, open some windows to allow the cool breeze to blow in.
When you naturally cool your home, you are able to turn off the air conditioner and give it and your energy bill a break. You can also use ceiling fans to help cool your home and lower your electricity bills without sacrificing comfort inside your home during the warmer months.
Third, when planning your meals for the week, take some of the cooking outside.
When you cook in the kitchen—particularly when you use the oven or stove—it brings extra heat into the home, meaning your air conditioner has to work harder to cool your home. Grilling a meal or two during the week can help you keep that hot air outside and keep your bill down.
Finally, you want to do a home check to make sure no cold air is leaking out or being lost when cooling your home. Make sure to seal all cracks in the windows and under the doors to ensure no air is escaping.
Are you looking for more ways to help cut energy costs this May? Visit Teems Electric today to learn how our professionals can help improve your home’s energy efficiency.