Is Your HVAC System Ready to Transition From Winter to Spring? | Teems Electric
Has it been a while since you last had your home or office’s HVAC unit cleaned by a professional? With the season change, the team at Teems Electric wants to help make sure you start the spring season off right—with a well-working HVAC unit.
Spring-cleaning Begins With HVAC Maintenance!
Let’s take a look at some ways you can help prepare your HVAC unit for the warmer weather.
First, did you cover your condenser during the cold winter months? While that was helpful in protecting and insulating the coils of your HVAC unit for winter, it can actually wreak havoc on your air conditioner during the warmer months since it limits the transfer of heat.
Second, you want to also make sure that debris is removed from the outdoors coils, especially if you didn’t have a cover on your HVAC unit.
Debris can hinder the heat transfer in the coils, as well as block proper air flow within your air conditioning unit. Keep the air flowing for spring by keeping the airway clear!
Finally, you want to make sure you change your indoor air filters, especially if it’s been a while.
Because your HVAC unit has been mostly kept on heat during the winter months, the change from heating to cooling is going to change the way debris is collected inside your home. Instead of sucking it into your filter, it will blow it back out, which can pollute the air inside your home if your air filters are dirty.
Replace your air filters regularly to ensure that air is clean, which can be especially helpful if you or a family member have asthma or allergies.
Is your HVAC unit in need of a good cleaning before the warm weather really kicks off this spring? Contact Teems Electric today to schedule a maintenance check as soon as possible!