Is Your Car Your Key to Saving Money? | Teems Electric
Are you still trying to bring your finances back to life after the holiday season? Well, our team at Teems Electric has an idea on where you can find some additional savings for your wallet in 2018. The source? Your car. All you have to do is follow some new driving practices while on the road this year.
Put More Gas in Your Tank While Keeping More Money in Your Wallet
Currently, how much money do you spend on gas each week? What if we told you that the average American driver spends about $1,400 a year at the gas station? Would your mouth drop, or would you think that sounds about right?
Either way, wouldn’t you like to see that number drop in 2018? You can! Read on for some tips on saving on gas this year.
First, consider taking advantage of stores that sell gift cards for gas stations. For instance, once or twice a month, many grocery stores offer $50 gas cards for only $40. That’s a $10 savings! Add that up over a year and you will find you save quite a bit of money on gas.
Second, you want to watch how you drive. Road rage is real—and even a mild case can be one reason why your gas bill is so high every month. Therefore, you want to remain calm while on the road. Excessive accelerating and frequent braking are only going to cause you to be more frustrated, as well as use more gas while on the road.
Following the speed limit can also help you save money. Not only does following the speed limit keep you from getting a costly ticket from a police officer, but keeping your speed between 45 and 60 miles per hour can help your car remain at optimal efficiency.
Does it feel like your car is loaded down with all sorts of things you don’t need? Unload extra items from your car, like cases of water and sports equipment, and you might feel like you are driving at lightning speed without going over the speed limit. A lighter car is a more efficient car!
Finally, make sure your car is properly maintained throughout the year. Oil changes, air filter replacement and tire rotation are all aspects of car maintenance that can make a huge difference in the amount of gas you’re burning while on the road. Ensure your car is hitting all the proper milestones by taking it to an experienced mechanic regularly for a checkup.
Are you already enjoying the benefits of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)? Then be sure to visit the Teems Electric website today to learn how you can find our new, fully automated 24-hour CNG station.