Improve Your Indoor Air With the Right Ventilation System | Teems Electric
During the winter, we spent more time indoors, both at home and at work. That’s why it’s important to ensure your home or office are serving up the best possible air quality.
Through the Teems Mechanical division at Teems Electric, our team of professionals is here to offer you tips on how you can achieve the best indoor air quality by rethinking your ventilation system this winter.
Let’s take a look at some tips on how you can improve the air quality inside your home or office this season:
Use the Exhaust Fans
Chances are that the kitchen and the bathrooms have exhaust fans. However, are you actually using them?
When you use an exhaust fan, you are drawing air in from one location and venting it to the outside. This promotes cleaner air inside your home.
Use your kitchen’s exhaust fan when you can, and use the bathroom exhaust fan for a short period after bathing or showering.
Open Up the Windows
Just because it is colder outdoors this time of year, that doesn’t mean that you cannot open the windows every once in a while. If the outdoor air is drier than the air inside, then open the windows and let the fresh air in!
Plus, the fresh air can help give a boost in productivity, which is a good thing for anyone in a home or office! The more you get done, the better you will feel.
Consider a Dehumidifier
Mold is a worry for both homeowners and business owners alike. Fortunately, a dehumidifier can help to eliminate the moisture inside your home or office, which can help to reduce the potential for mold.
You just want to make sure you are also changing the air filters as recommended on the packaging, especially if your home or office has air quality problems.
Are you looking to improve your home or office building’s ventilation system? Contact the team at Teems Mechanical to assist in your next project.