How to Prevent Wasted Energy in Your Home | Teems Electric
For every household, the cost of electricity is an inevitable expense that must be paid each month—however, did you know you might be paying too much? It is estimated that the average United States household could save up to 25% on their monthly electricity bills by simply being conscious of wasted energy around the home.
Wasted energy is about more than simply leaving the lights on when you are not using a room (though that can cost you, too). There are many ways you might be using too much energy, but thankfully, that means there are many ways you might be able to save.
Tips for Preventing Wasted Energy at Home
Switch over to smart power strips. Even when electronics are in standby mode or turned off, electricity is still circulating through the cables in what is known as a “phantom load.” It is estimated that 75% of the power used to operate electronics is consumed by this phantom load, but a smart power strip can alleviate the problem. By switching off completely when the electronics are not in use, the power strip can completely stop the electricity from circulating until you actually need it.
Keep your fridge and oven closed. Opening your fridge for a browse or opening the oven door to check on your food may seem harmless, but this escaping energy can really add up. As the appliance’s internal thermometer detects a change in temperature, it will need to compensate by pumping out more cold (or hot) air, which can be costly.
Stop using hot water in your laundry. Washing your clothes regularly is a must-do chore, but it does not have to be that expensive! Washing your clothes in hot water costs extra, as you have to pay to heat the water and to wash the clothes. By washing in cold water, you can save tremendously on each load of laundry that you run.
Change your HVAC filters. The HVAC system is one of the biggest energy users within the home, so it is important to make sure you enable it to operate as efficiently as possible. The filters in your HVAC unit can become clogged with dust and debris and force the unit to work harder, thus using more energy every time it switches on. It is generally recommended to switch out the filters every 30 days so they can run better.
If you need help making sure your home is as energy-efficient as possible, we can help! Contact us today for more information.