Going Green to Save Green
In the current age, everywhere you look you are encouraged to go green. Whether it be the media, your friends, or your conscience, the pressure to reduce your carbon footprint is imminent everywhere. If you’re a business owner, this perceived pressure only increases.
We understand that going green can seem intimidating. Not only is it overwhelming, but it has, in the past, been a very expensive undertaking. However, what if we told you that going green can actually help your bottom line? That’s right, not only can you help save the environment, you can also save money while you’re at it, both of which are great for business.
Here are three ways that going green can help save you money in 2016:
1) Switch to LED lights.
Are you looking to save money and save electricity? Consider switching the office to all LED lighting. Not only will it save you money in the long run due to reduced consumption, LED lights are also energy efficient and better for the environment.
2) Use a power strip.
We all know that wasting electricity is one of the worst things we can do in our fight to be energy-efficient. That being said, we still leave tons of appliances plugged in randomly and leave many electronics on (usually due to forgetfulness) at the end of the day. Using a power strip to plug in numerous electronics at once allows you to switch off all the power at once at the end of the day, saving you money on utilities and saving electricity in the process.
3) Fix leaks around the office.
A leaky faucet isn’t that big of a deal, is it? Wrong! Leaky faucets can waste about three gallons of water every single day. Fixing your office’s faucets, as well as upgrading your HVAC unit and doing an energy audit, can save money you never knew you were wasting, while simultaneously conserving natural resources.