Give These 3 Energy-saving Tips a Try! | Teems Electric
We know—it’s easy to get into the habit of leaving lights on and electronics plugged in when electricity is always there.
But while we’re lucky to have our electrical needs met day in and day out, it’s still important to conserve energy where we can.
That’s why our Teems Electric team has some tips to share to help you make your home or office more energy-efficient.
Changes You Can Make to Be More Energy-efficient
Let’s look at a few ways you can conserve energy in the home or work environment.
Rethink Your Thermostat
You don’t have to tell us—we know it’s hot out there in the midst of a southern summer! But have you ever thought about how much time your AC unit spends cooling your home or office while you aren’t in it?
Consider replacing your thermostat with a programmable model. This type of thermostat allows you to set the temperature cooler while you’re at home and higher while you’re away. You can set it to return to a lower temperature in the hour or so before you return to the home.
You can do the same during the winter—setting the thermostat at a higher temperature while you’re at home and lower when you’re away.
Change Out Your Lightbulbs
When was the last time you changed the lightbulbs in your home or office? And not just when they burn out, but changing the actual brand?
Did you know that changing your current light bulbs to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs would be more energy-efficient and can help you save on your electrical bill?
Keep Your HVAC System Maintained
Do you remember the last time you had a maintenance check on your furnace and air conditioner? Regular maintenance checks are essential to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Even though summer is almost over, don’t hesitate giving us a call to come and check your heating and cooling system to ensure it is running at peak efficiency.
Contact us today to learn how our team can help make your home or office more energy-efficient.