Fall Electricity Tips

With the coming fall comes an entirely new season, a new time for change and reflection, and an opportunity to put old energy use habits behind you and to adopt newer, more effective habits.

So, what habits can you adopt in the fall that may not work for summer? What cuts can you afford to make in autumn that won’t do the trick in winter? Well, you’re about to find out.

Here are three ways to have a greener fall:


With the weather having been tamed a bit since summer, staying nice but not hot, you can afford to let the HVAC unit cool down a bit and take some time off. Allow the natural weather to help dictate the heat of the office—your employees and your wallet will thank you.

2) Lights

Although days are shorter than summer, still take advantage of the fall days before winter comes. For the nights that still have sun into the evening, try to keep the office lit naturally, the results will be incredible.

3) Take Work Outside

With the perfect weather being upon us, encourage your employees to take their work (and electricity) outside when it’s possible! Working remotely will not only save you money, it will also save energy for your bottom line.

Want to learn more about HVAC solutions? Visit Teems Company today!