Energy-saving Tips for the Summer Months | Teems Electric
The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. The energy bills are going up!
Ahhh, the joys of summer.
But our team at Teems Electric doesn’t want you to spend a penny more than you need to on energy costs for your home or office, which is why we’ve put together some energy-saving tips for you.
Use Your Energy Wisely This Summer
The reality of summer is that the temperatures will soar, meaning you’ll be using more energy to cool your home and office. But there are steps you can take to help limit that increase as much as possible.
Keep an Eye on Your Thermostat
Are you planning to leave home for an extended period of time? Then, turn your thermostat up a little bit while you’re gone so that you aren’t using as much power while you are not at home.
You can also purchase an inexpensive programmable thermostat that would allow you to program the thermostat to raise the temperature slightly while you’re at work and bring it back down when you’re at home. That might seem like a minor change, but it can have a big impact.
Maintain Your HVAC
Has it has been awhile since you last changed your air filters? It’s probably time to switch it out.
Most filters recommend changing them out at least every three months to ensure good air quality in your home. Dirty air filters can also cause your home to use more energy—so changing it is a win-win.
Look at Your Appliances
In the average home, there are appliances and other pieces of technology everywhere.
While these appliances are extremely beneficial in any home, they can also be electrical vampires. Therefore, it’s important that you use them wisely.
Start by keeping the fridge door closed at all times. If you have a teen, you’re probably familiar with the scene of him or her standing in the open fridge door looking for something to eat. But that’s allowing the air in the fridge to creep out, making the appliance work harder.
You can also moderate energy use in the kitchen this summer by grilling out more frequently. When you use the oven or stove, you’re heating up your home, which then forces your AC unit to work harder. Taking the meal prep outdoors can ease that burden and result in delicious food, too!
The professionals at Teems Electric want to help make your home or office more energy-efficient. Contact us today for more information!