Can a Programmable Thermostat Really Save Me Money? | Teems Electric
If you have been considering making the upgrade to a programmable thermostat, you are likely wondering if they are really worth it. The average household in the United States spends about 12% of its household costs on air conditioning alone, which does not even include the amount spent on heat during the winter.
However, as with anything, a programmable thermostat can only save money when it is being used correctly. Below, we will be looking at some nuances of programmable thermostats and how they are used so you can be certain that you are making the right choice for your household.
How to Save Money With a Programmable Thermostat
Use the scheduling function. Perhaps the single most important factor in whether your programmable thermostat actually saves you money is how well you use the scheduling functionality it has to offer. By simply turning your thermostat down by seven to 10 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours a day, it is estimated that you can save 10% on household climate control costs. If you use the scheduling function on your thermostat, you can be certain that this is actually happening each day.
Use the home and away features. For many programmable thermostats that sync to your phone, they also offer a home and away functionality that you can use to save further. Based on whether your phone is near the thermostat or not, the unit can automatically scale back on heating or cooling while no one is home, which can help you save without sacrificing comfort.
Use the sun feature, if applicable. Depending on where your thermostat is located in the home, it may be in direct sunlight for some of the day. This can lead to a temperature at your thermostat that is reading much higher than the actual temperature of the house, which may engage your system more than it actually needs to be. Many smart thermostats include a setting that you can turn on if your thermostat is in a sunny spot so it knows to calibrate its temperature readings accordingly.
If you have questions about how much a programmable thermostat can help you save, we are happy to help! Get in touch for more information about our HVAC services.