Are Energy Vampires Attacking Your Home? | Teems Electric
Are you tired of seeing your electric bill go up every single month? We don’t blame you!
But what if you are the reason for the increase each month? Our team at Teems Electric wants you to be aware of the “energy vampires” that might be lurking in your home and causing your electric bill to rise month after month.
Where Can You Find Energy Vampires?
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory states that an appliance constantly takes up to one watt of electrical current, which equals out to 9kWh each year.
If you consider how many appliances are currently in your home using electricity, the cost could end up being between $100 to $200 a year on your electrical bill. Wouldn’t it be nice to do something else with that money?
Let’s take a look at some ways you can tackle the energy vampires lurking throughout your home this year.
For starters, how many of you have a hair dryer plugged up in your bathroom right now? Did you know that leaving devices like hair dryers and curling irons plugged in (even turned off) can use electricity, which is adding to your rising electric bill?
Therefore, before leaving the room, make sure to unplug these devices.
Second, you might want to take a trip to each TV to see how old your set-top cable boxes and/or DVRs are. Did you know that some of these older devices can drain about 25–45 watts of energy even when turned off?
If you’re able, switch to newer devices that do not use as much energy and consider turning off your cable box when you’re not home to eliminate the energy vampire.
Finally, is your computer plugged in when you aren’t using it? Did you know that a powered-off laptop or desktop could use 15–21 watts of energy, which means that device is costing you money when not in use?
Therefore, consider hooking these devices up to a power switch that you can just turn off so that you can try to save up to $20 a month on your energy bill!
Are you looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient? Give Teems Electric a call today!