A Spotlight on Our Services
At Teems Electric, we strive to provide you with the very best electrical services possible, empowering our team of industry-leading specialists to deliver the most excellent, thorough care in the area.
However, did you know that Teems is more than just an electrical company? In addition to electrical work, we offer a litany of solutions for your business. Today, we’d like to spotlight a few of those services.
Here are three ways that Teems can help your business:
1) Teems Steam
Our steam team has worked all over the region, providing excellent service to our customers by installing, servicing, and rebuilding hot water and steam boilers.
2) Teems Energy
Our energy department is committed to saving our customers energy. Not only do we hope to aid our customers in saving money on their energy, we know that together we can work toward a more environmentally friendly way to do business.
3) Teems Automation
With our automation department, Teems can serve in the automation industry through control system design, PLC and PC programming, Rockwell Service Support, engineering services, and a variety of other automation offerings.
Want to learn more about how we serve the southeast? Visit Teems today!