3 Tips to Make Your Office More Energy-Efficient | Teems Electric
By now, you’ve probably written down your goals for the new year when it comes to your business. Is one of the goals to save money?
If so, our team at Teems Electric has an idea on one way you can help your business start saving more money in 2019—and it starts with energy efficiency.
Reach Your Energy Goals While Saving Money
Who doesn’t want to save more money month after month? Who doesn’t want to be a better friend to the environment? Why can’t you do both?
You can! Let’s take a look at some ways you can improve the energy efficiency in your office in 2019.
Trade in Your Desktop for a Laptop
Did you know that a laptop actually uses less energy than a desktop computer? It’s true!
Therefore, by having your employees use laptops over desktops, you can easily help make your business more energy efficient in the new year.
Regardless of which type of computer you use, make sure you put it in sleep mode when it is not in use. The last thing you want to do is consume energy when you are not even around.
Switch Your Lightbulbs to LED
Are you still using standard lightbulbs in your office? It is time for you to make the switch and use lightbulbs that are more energy efficient—LED bulbs.
In fact, LED lightbulbs can save up to 80 percent more energy over standard lightbulbs, which can lead to a lot of savings for your office.
Where Are the Space Heaters?
You want to make sure you are providing a comfortable environment for your employees to work. However, if your energy bill is sky-high during the winter months, then it is time to think of other ways to keep employees nice and warm during the winter months.
That’s where space heaters come into play. They can help you save money on your HVAC bill while still providing a nice, warm place for your employees to work. Just make sure you’re following guidelines for safe use and not plugging heaters into a power strips.
Are you ready to improve the energy efficiency within your home or office? Give the team at Teems Electric a call today!