3 Energy-saving Laundry Hacks | Teems Electric

Do you feel as though the laundry is never-ending? That’s because most American households wash between two and three laundry loads a week.

But have no fear! Our Teems Electric team has some tips to help you make your laundry more environmentally—and wallet—friendly!

Don’t Wash Away Money!

Did you know that the average load of laundry uses about 47 gallons of water? But you don’t have to be average! Let’s take a look at some ways you can be a friend to your wallet and the environment when washing clothes.

First, the temperature of the water could lead to a load of savings. For instance, did you know that changing your washer from hot water to cold water could save you about 30 cents on each load of laundry you wash? While that might not sound like a lot now, you will probably be surprised to see how fast that 30 cents adds up!

Second, now that the weather is warming up, why not let the sunshine do some of the drying work instead of the dryer? One of the best ways to not use energy from your dryer is to just not use it at all! Therefore, when you can, line dry your clothes outdoors. The sun can help save you around $25 on your monthly electric bill.

Finally, a simple move to make is to literally move your dryer closer to an outside wall so that the air from the dryer’s exhaust doesn’t have to travel as far from the dryer to the outside. The farther it has to travel, the more energy you are using with every cycle.

Remember, when washing your clothes this week, less is more. See if you can reduce the number of laundry loads you do per week.

Are you ready to become a more energy-efficient household? Contact Teems Electric today!